Cole's 9 month check-up was yesterday and he weighs in at 21 pounds 14 ounces and is 28 1/4 inches long. He's a growing boy!! He weighs pretty close to what Nate was at this point (22 pounds and 2 ounces), but is shorter. Nate was 29 1/2 inches long. Regardless, he's doing well. The pediatrician said he has dropped some percentiles for his height and weight, but it's most likely due to the steriods he has been on for the asthma. I had stopped doing them for a short while, but now am back to doing at least 3-5 neb treatments a day. He got a cold on Thursday and it has seemed to trigger the extreme wheezing again. On top of the neb treatments, he is also back on an oral steriod (prednisone) for the next 5 days. Hopefully, this will clear him up again! Poor kid!
poor lil cole... hopefully he feels better soon