Today was Nater-tater's 2 year check up. He is 37 inches tall and weighs 33 pounds and change. He continues to be greater than 90th percentile for height and weight. Needless to say he will never be able to be a horse jockey! He had blood work taken for the normal lead screening, but had some extra vials taken to determine his allergy (shellfish vs. amoxicillin) and also to see if he has celiac disease. I doubt that he has celiac....if he does, he has a very mild form of it. We will find out results next week. I also have his hearing evaluation scheduled for next week so we can finally get this boy talking. Nate was a trooper for his immunization and the blood draw.....luckily Cole just chilled in his carseat.

I finally uploaded pics from the Mets game on Sunday. Jay and I had a blast. I wish I didn't have to work the night prior, but hey it's the sacrifice that we make to not put the kids in daycare. I think Sunday was the most we have talked in two years!! It was nice to see that we can still have a good time with each other.
You forgot to mention what a wonderful mother you have for watching the boys ALLLL day...just kidding of course. They were perfect angels. Whew for me! Love you all!!