However, Cole has had more of the rough week. Cole didn't sleep well Sunday through Tuesday night with no signs of any cold....then came Wednesday when I noticed he was wheezing quite a bit and had retractions (where his skin is sucked in at his neck/ribs). He was happy, but working so hard to breathe. I decided to call the dr and they saw him Thursday. His oxygen level a little low in the office, so they gave him a nebulizer treatment of Albuterol and his first dose of a steriod (Prednisone) in the office. His oxygen level came up, but remained a little low. He was sent for a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia.....luckily it was ruled out....so no antibiotics. However, it did show some inflammation (basically) which could either be from a virus like RSV or he could be asthmatic. He will be tested in the future, need be. I wouldn't be surprised if he is asthmatic, because since birth he has done the wheezing thing intermittently, just not this bad. Needless to say we continued the neb treatments until about Sunday and just finished our last dose of Prednisone today. He is sounding much better, but continues to have a tad bit of a wheeze. I will see if the doctor wants to see him again tomorrow.
As for me, I have been trying to prepare for my shopping trip with my girlfriends to Maine set for this weekend. We leave Friday night and come back late Sunday evening....I hope the boys will be good for Jay. However, we should have a lot fun and get a lot of shopping done without kids!!!
I'm definitely looking forward to the trip! But I feel awful that you have to leave the boys with everything going on with Cole. I hope his condition improves over the next couple of days. Poor little guy!