Friday, October 3, 2008

Immunology Update

Well, Monday Nate had his immunology appointment. As of last week, Nate's pediatrician had said the blood work came back as ALL of the antibodies being low. Now, that could have meant some big problems for Nate. Luckily, this week the specialist said that no, the antibodies were not low once adjusted for his age. That is with the exception of the one antibody (IgA) still being low. He could outgrow that, so they will re-test it in one year. In the mean time, he would still be susceptible to any GI or respiratory illnesses. Now, in terms of the diarrhea, he wants to try an elimination diet of all lactose products/ingredients. He is questioning a lactose intolerance.."allergy" is the word he used. However, a true allergy is one you need an epi pen for. This is more of an adverse reaction. Anyways, the diet change has been an extreme challenge. Luckily, Nate loves raw food (fruits/veggies), but there are plenty of processed items he loves to that have milk products in them (i.e. Nilla wafers, waffles, Toaster Strudels, etc). I have been surprised about how many products have milk in them. We are trying our best and will see if it helps with the diarrhea. Yesterday was the first time this week that he had a couple bouts of the diarrhea, but he does have good/bad days, so overall I haven't seen much of a difference thus far. We have to follow the diet for 3's going to be a rough 3 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! It'll be tough at first getting used to the diet but you'll get through it. Hopefully when all is said and done you'll have a better idea of why he's having the diarrhea. In the meantime, keep up the good "mommying"!
