Yesterday was Cole's 4 month check-up. I can't believe how fast it's gone by...especially this time around. Some people have asked me if I have felt guilty not being able to spend as much time with Nathan since Cole came. It's actually quite the opposite; Cole gets the shaft a lot, because Nathan takes a lot of attention. I love him just the same, but can't seem to give him as much attention as I gave Nate at this age. Poor Cole. Cole was rolling consistently from his tummy to his back at 2 weeks old, but has since stopped and still hasn't rolled from his back to his tummy. Nathan was doing these both by 3 months old and I wonder if it's because I can't spend as much time with him. I know that everyone says not to compare your children and that every child is different.....but you can't help but to wonder. Jay and I both say that Nate was one to physically be ahead of the game, but the one to be delayed in speech and that Cole is going to be the one to probably be talking up a storm by 12 months and to not be ahead physically as Nate always has been.

Needless to say, Cole got a clean bill of health! He weighed in at 17 pounds 3 ounces and is 25 1/2 inches long (Nate was 17 pounds 2 ounces and 26 inches at this point). His umbilical hernia that he had is almost completely closed. Cole also got the okay to start solids. So yesterday, he was given cereal for the first time. He seemed to like it a bit more than Nate did. I think he might like it even better once we add some veggies or fruit!!
Oh gosh.... time certainly DOES fly by! I can't believe Cole's eating solids now! Seems like it's been forever since we've seen you all.... looking forward to hopefully getting together next week!