I forgot to post this pic last week of us pudding painting. As much as Jay (as well as many others) hate Kate from "John and Kate Plus 8" on TLC, she had a great idea to do pudding painting with the kids. At Nate's age, kids naturally want to eat everything that's on their hands, so why not. Nate did enjoy the painting....as well as the eating!
I forgot to post this pic last week as well. Let's just say I was tied u
p breastfeeding Cole in the office/playroom. Now that we have taken down all of the gates on the main floor, Nate has pretty much free reign of the house. I could hear him in the dining room, but couldn't tell what he was doing. Once I found him, I realized he is now tall enough to reach the baby powder from one of the built in shelves in our living room! OOPS!!

After a few attempts at the doc's office yesterday, they finally got the bloodwork. Hopefully, they got enough blood for all of the tests. This pic was of the boys in Cole's crib before the appointment. Cole idolizes his brother already!
Tonya, as soon as I saw the picture of Nate with the powder, it brought me back to the time when you and Jay babysat for us and Jay was loosing his mind trying to get Emily to sleep, meanwhile, Alex was powdering the house with baby powder! Ah... these are the moments!