Nathan's Early Intervention Core Evaluation was completed. I was very pleased with the evaluators that came and with Nathan's behaviour. Nathan does normally point to pictures in books, but wouldn't do that yesterday. He loved all the toys they brought with them....he kept trying to dig into their bags to see what else they had. Needless to say, Nathan qualifies for the program. Surprise, surprise, he has at least a 33% delay with communication. His fine and gross motor skills are age appropriate. His social and adaptive abilities are mildly delayed, but they correlate that with his communication delay. The team comes back on October 4th to complete the plan (goals, how frequent speech therapy, etc). Speech therapy will begin there after. I will have to say, that the last few days, I have Nate say "duh" when pointing at a duck or a dog. I guess it's a start!
Glad to hear that the evaluation is nearly complete and you can move on to the next step! I'm sure that once he starts with the therapy you'll notice a difference in his attempts at speaking, and he'll feel better once he's able to communicate his needs and wants! Keep up the good work, mommy!